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Privacy Policy

1. Principles for processing of information

The Labour Market Consortium consists of the LO/FTF Council, the Confederation of Danish Industries, and 3F (United Federation of Danish Workers). We prioritize the protection of your data and only process information about you for certain specific factual purposes.

Vi comply with the basic principles of processing of personal information included in the Danish Law about Data Protection (Law no. 502 of 23/05/2018) and EU’s General Data Protection Regulation. This means, among others, that:
This privacy policy is designed to assist the understanding of the type of information we collect, why we collect it, and what we use it for.

This privacy policy is regularly updated to comply with existing legislation and regulations for personal data analysis. 

• Our processing of your personal information is transparent
• We do not store any more information than necessary, and we regularly update your information. 
• We do not gather and process more information than necessary.

2. Data liability

The Labour Market Consortium consists of the Confederation of Danish Industries, the LO/FTF Council and the United Federation of Danish Workers (3F) and owns the website www.sdg8.dk. The Labour Market Consortium is the data controller and hence responsible for the processing and storage of your personal information according to this privacy policy.>p/>

3. Contact information

If you wish to access any information, which we have collected about you at the Danish Labour Market Consortium and sdg8.dk, please contact us at:  

3F International 
Kampmannsgade 4, 1604 Copenhagen V
E-mail: caecilie,[email protected]
Telephone: +45 8892 0461 

If we have registered erroneous data, or if you have any other objections, please direct your questions to the same address. You may inspect the information we have registered about you, and you may raise an objection to any registration according to the regulations of the Danish Data Protection Act. 

4. What information do we process about you?

The Danish Labour Market Consortium analyses and stores the following categories of common personal information about you:

• Who you are, and where you work, e.g. name, e-mail address, occupation and title.
• What dialogue and correspondence, you have had with the Labour Market Consortium, e.g. letters and e-mails. 
• What services, you receive/have received from the Danish Labour Market Consortium, e.g. participation in meetings and conferences.
• How you use sdg8.dk  

Sensitive personal information

In special occasions, e.g. where a participant of a conference informs us of his/her membership of a trade union, we will store this information and hence process and store sensitive personal information. 

5. Origin of your personal data

We never gather personal information, without you having given us this information yourself e.g. by registering for one of our events. 

In this case, we gather the information from your registration form, like for example your name, occupation, e-mail address, and your possible need for interpretation and food preferences of relevance for your participation in any given event. 

We might also store information about you in e-mails, letters, and other documents, that are related to the Danish Labour Market Consortium’s events. 
Furthermore, we gather anonymized information about your visits at www.sdg8.dk if you have accepted our use of cookies.
Read more about our cookies policy here.

6. Use of your personal data

The Danish Labour Market Consortium processes information about you for the purpose of: 

  • Organizing an event, e.g. a conference or meeting. We use your information to send details about time and location, for name cards, participants list etc. and to collect any relevant payment. If the event is organized in cooperation with any other co-organizers, we share your information with the conference location/hotel and co-organizers. 
  • Communicating about the event, e.g. by publishing event pictures and video recordings from events on our website or on social and printed medias driven by the Labour Market Consortium’s members (The LO/FTF Council, the Confederation of Danish Industries and 3F). 
  • Documenting traffic on our website for the purpose of reporting to our donors. We gather data about the number of visits on our website sdg8.dk. We do that by the use of Google analytics. Google has subscribed to the EU US Privacy Shield, which the European Commission has specified as sufficient safety measures.

7. Duration of information storage

The Danish Labour Market Consortium stores your information, as long as there is an active relation between you and the Labour Market Consortium - e.g. due to your participation in one of the Labour Market Consortium’s events.  Personal information is deleted by the fifth year after your contact with the Labour Market Consortium.

8. Exchange of data with third parties

The Danish Labour Market Consortium receives and manages your data internally between the three organizations in the consortium. Each organization is responsible for the safe processing of data. We also share personal information with third parties, as for example participants lists at public events. 

  • For registration for conferences and other events, we use the online service Wufoo. Wufoo is a subsidiary company of SurveyMonkey located in the USA. Wufoo has joined the EU US Privacy Shield, which the European Commission has specified as sufficient safety measures. 
  • Read more about Wufoo here.
  • For the purpose of collecting data about visits on our website sdg8.dk, we collect data by use of Google Analytics. Google has joined the EU US Privacy Shield, which the European Commission EU has specified as sufficient safety measures.

9. Your rights

According to the Data Protection Law (Danish law no. 502 of 23/05/2018) and EU’s General Data Protection Regulation you have a range of rights, that we as data controllers must comply with. These rights are:

  • Right of inspection: You have the right to inspect the data, we store about you, and you may request and receive a copy of your data.
  • Right to object: You may with certain limitations object to our processing of your personal information – e.g. if your personal information is utilized for the purpose of direct marketing and in relation to any profiling.
  • Right to correction and deletion: You have the right to require correction of any incorrect information and the right to have information about you, which we store, deleted. When requesting deletion or correction, we will assess, whether we can comply with your request, and confirm if we can correct or delete your information. For example, we cannot delete any information, which we are obliged to retain according to any legislation, or if we need this information in order to establish or submit any legal claim. 
  • Right to limitation: You have the right to impose a limit to our processing of your information during the period of which we assess your request for correction or deletion.
  • Right to withdrawal of your consent: At any time, you have the right to revoke your consent to any processing for which you have given your consent.
  • Right to information: When we collect information about you from yourself or any third party, we generally have the obligation to inform you about the processing.

10. Safety

The Danish Labour Market Consortium has, apart from an information technology safety policy also implemented technical and organizational security measures, which ensure confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of your information. In this manner we assure, that we handle your information with care.

11. Avenues of complaint

You are entitled to file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency about our processing of your personal information. 
Please see contact information of the Danish Data Protection Agency here:

Address: Borgergade 28, 5., 1300 Copenhagen
E-mail: [email protected] 
Telephone: + 45 3319 3200
Website: www.datatilsynet.dk